Sexual Assault/Rape Attorney

Sexual assault and rape allegations are serious charges, and no one should ever try to defend themselves on their own. The consequences of a conviction or even a plea bargain are dire, including long prison terms and mandatory registration as a sex offender. Even hiring a general criminal defense attorney is not enough. To really protect your rights against these allegations, you need an expert, aggressive sex crime lawyer who has experience defending clients against sexual assault charges.

What You Can Do: Contact A Sex Crime Lawyer

You are going to go through some stressful times as these allegations come to light. With an expert sex crime lawyer, however, you will be well protected. When you call for a free case analysis, we will learn about your particular case and begin creating a defense strategy right from the start. With sexual assault or rape allegations, it is vital to begin defending yourself immediately. Ideally, an aggressive sex crime lawyer can get charges dismissed long before the case goes to trial.

There are a number of strong defense strategies that your sex crime lawyer can utilize. They include questioning the prosecuting evidence, investigating a lack of evidence, arguing a case of mistaken identity, polygraph tests, and questioning issues of consent. Of course, nothing is off the table when it comes to the defense strategies of an aggressive sex crime lawyer. We will investigate on our own to bolster your defense as well.

Even if a dismissal is not achieved before charges are filed, your sex crime attorney will continue to fight throughout the entire legal process. This includes jury selection, arguing at trial, cross examination, and presenting expert witnesses. We will use all of the circumstance of your case to achieve a positive result and protect your rights.

We offer free case analysis around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call us at 888-719-4LAW or email us to get in touch with our expert criminal defense lawyers. You don’t have to just plead guilty ever again because we fight aggressively for every client.